AQUASAN WaterCare Water Conditioner Plus

CHF 14.00
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CHF 14.00

AQUASAN WaterCare Water Conditioner Plus

AQUASAN WaterCare Water Conditioner PLUS is the ideal care product for new aquarium setup and water changes.

Because conventional tap water is not aquarium water suitable for fish.

It can carry fish-aggressive substances such as chlorine, copper, lead and other heavy metals. In addition, tap water is aggressive to mucous membranes.

AQUASAN WaterCare Water Conditioner PLUS neutralizes these substances and converts conventional tap water into aquarium water suitable for fish. In addition, it contains valuable protective colloids, aloe vera and dexpanthenol to protect the mucous membranes of your fish.

Even when acclimating new fish from the pet store in the home aquarium, it can have a calming and stress-reducing effect on the new inhabitants.

That's why AQUASAN WaterCare Water Conditioner PLUS should not be missing during any water change, cleaning in the aquarium or acclimation of fish.

Applied once a week, it is ideal protection for your fish!

    • Indispensable during water changes and new setup
    • Neutralizes fish toxic substances such as chlorine, lead, copper, etc.
    • Active mucous membrane protection through vitamin B, nourishing aloe vera and dexpanthenol

Content bottle 250 ml (sufficient for 1,000 liters of aquarium water)

Add 10 ml to 50 liters of aquarium water during new set-up, partial water change or after medication treatment. Ideally, it should also be applied 1x per week for additional mucosal protection of the fish.