Ist Getreide im Hundefutter schädlich?

Is grain in dog food harmful?

Sep 18, 2024

Dogs are carnivores and therefore need a balanced diet consisting mainly of meat, fish and animal products. In recent years, however, there has been a trend towards dog food containing cereals. Many dog owners are wondering whether grain in dog food can actually be harmful to their four-legged friend.

The role of grain in dog nutrition

Grains such as wheat, maize or rice are often used as fillers in dog bowls. They are used to bind and structure the food and increase its nutritional value. However, from a nutritional point of view, grains are not absolutely necessary for dogs.

Dogs are carnivores and have a significantly higher requirement for animal proteins than for carbohydrates. Their digestive system is designed to efficiently utilise meat, fish and other animal products. Grains, on the other hand, can only be utilised by dogs to a limited extent, as they have too little amylase to fully break down starch.


Potential risks of cereals in dog food

Although grains are not harmful to dogs per se, they can certainly cause problems in excessive quantities:

Allergies and intolerances

Some dogs are sensitive to certain grains such as wheat or maize. This can lead to skin irritation, diarrhoea or other health problems. In such cases, it is advisable to switch to a grain-free dog food.

Obesity and diabetes

Grains contain a lot of carbohydrates, which can quickly be converted into fat in dogs. Too much grain in dog food can therefore increase the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Digestion problems

Digesting cereals is naturally more difficult for dogs than digesting meat. This can lead to flatulence, diarrhoea or other digestive problems.

Alternatives to dog food containing grain

If you want to protect your dog from the potential risks of grain, there are some alternatives to conventional grain-based dog food:

Grain-free dog food

There are now a variety of grain-free dog foods that are based on meat, fish and other animal ingredients. These foods are better adapted to the natural needs of dogs.

Raw food

Another option is to feed raw food. Dogs are fed a mixture of raw meat, bones, offal and vegetables. This form of nutrition is particularly nutritious and easy to digest.

Homemade dog food

If you have time and leisure, you can also offer your dog food that you have prepared yourself. The ingredients can be individually adapted to the needs of your four-legged friend.

Enjoy grain in dog food with caution

There is no general answer as to whether grains in dog food are harmful or not. It depends very much on the individual needs of the dog. In general, it is advisable to keep the amount of grain in the food to a minimum and to opt for high-quality, meat-based alternatives. This way, you can provide your dog with all the important nutrients and avoid potential health problems.

In the end, it's a question of trial and error as to which food is best for your dog. Listen to your gut feeling and observe exactly how your four-legged friend reacts to different types of food. With the right diet, you can promote your dog's health and well-being in the long term.

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